The Hunter's Prey

Look I don't know how to say this but.... Oh my fucking god, wow I'm already tearing up. The most scariest shit happened to me two days ago.
Before I tell you what happened, I might as well tell you my name because I don't think it's worth telling a lie because I don't think that I am safe. My name is Drew Moor and I think this is the best website to tell this story on because no one will probably believe me. This is my story. By the way, if you meet the guy with the same description, run the



The Horrible tale

Ok, January 21st is the date when my life went to shit. I was out drinking with one of my mates (lets call him "Pete"). Anyway, at around 9.45pm, we decided to leave the bar and go out on a fun drunken adventure. As soon as we got kicked out of the bar, we decided to try and sneak back in through the window in the restroom. So we head down this alleyway right next to the bar. That's when we met our fate... Calvin.
Calvin was a hobo, living out on what we had left, a blue jumper and brown track pants. For Pete, the substances were starting to take over his thoughts. So, since he already had a knife on him (for self defense), he thought it would be funny to mug him. Little did he know, he was wrong.
When he pulled out the knife, he immediately lunged the knife at his forehead, but to no avail, he missed. That's when Calvin did something that I will never forget.

He clutched the blade of the knife... WITH HIS FUCKING TEETH!!!

He clutched the fucking knife with his fucking teeth. Pete in the next instant, just swiftly slashed the knife, scaring his right check and sharpened what's left of the teeth in his mouth. What was left was sharpened into shark teeth. He started to choke on his own blood. In under two minutes, he died of drowning on his own blood...
Or so we thought.
After what it seems like we vomited forever, we decided to leave the "suicide" scene and try and explain to the police what happened. However, as soon as we were about to leave, Calvin just pounced onto Pete. I noticed this ten seconds later, because I started to hear growls and screams. When I turn around, flesh was just being teared off the body and just thrown away, like it's just trash. While Calvin was, how do I say it, taking out the trash, I fled the scene, not hoping to be the next victim.
I couldn't sleep that night, kept thinking about Pete flesh being thrown away and that... monster that just took over Calvin. I also kept think this phrase "How the fuck did he come back to life?".
The next day, I decided to tell the bartender about what happened. As soon as I mention Calvin, he immediately hang up the phone and the TV behind me immediately turns on to the news report about the murder. Apparently, two people were murdered.
Pete Deca and the bartender for the local bar, Luke Kait.
"What?" I thought. Who the fuck was that on the phone just then. I did not know what to believe anymore. Today, my girlfriend, Kelly, died by lack of blood and flesh torn. I think I'm next, no one wants to help me. I have have been ditched, ridiculed, insulted and now I am..........
Left for dead.
''Written by PsychoZeo''